Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Spring!

I hope everyone had a relaxing, enjoyable Spring break! :) 


NYS ELA testing begins Tuesday 4/17. 
Math NYS Testing begins Wednesday 4/25
Attendance is mandatory for testing! Please make sure you get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast! Don't forget to complete your practice assessments at home with a parent/guardian and have them sign it for extra credit! ELA Packet is due Tuesday 4/17 and math packet is due Wednesday 4/25.

We are coming to the end of our second expedition on the fall of the ancient civilizations! We are very excited to begin our final expedition titled "The World's Greatest" in which we will explore career opportunities, middle school options, college options, and being successful in the community. The 6th grade team is planning a career fair for Thursday, May 17th at Niagara Charter School from 2:00-4:00pm. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend with students! If you or someone you know would like to volunteer as a career expert please send back the career expert form that will be going home on Monday 4/16 or call directly at 297-4520 ext. 7119

Chalk Talk

Good Afternoon!

Below are some pictures of a classroom activity based on the 12 causes of the fall of the Roman empire using an Expeditionary Learning protocol called "Chalk Talk"

Students were presented with the 12 problems through a spirit read, then asked to sort the problems with a small group. Next, they make connections between the problems and provided possible solutions to the problems.